IELTS exam is the most popular English test in the world for those who aim to make their way to countries like Canada for study, work, or residential purposes. Many people prepare for the IELTS exam through online courses or English tutors. However, not all of these teachers are qualified, it is very important to consider the following tips.
Feedback & Reviews
Before making a choice about an online tutor or preparation course, you want to be sure about its reliability through the feedback and reviews from past students. Make sure that the feedbacks you are getting are from real people.
This is another thing that you must keep in mind before choosing an IELTS tutor or course. Before making the final choice, you should make sure that your tutor is an IELTS expert by making sure he/she has the required certification in the industry.
The best advice I can give you to prepare for IELTS exam is to keep it simple.The reason here is that IELTS exam has been overcomplicated by teachers who want students to believe that only they can help them. The fact is that the IELTS exam is easy, as long as you know what you’re doing.
No Hidden Fees
Communicate constantly to the people who are running the online courses via email, so you have it in writing) to make sure that there are no hidden fees.