The IELTS Reading test requires you to answer 40 questions in 60 minutes. In the IELTS Reading Test, there are many question types that you must answer. Many candidates find short answer questions among the easiest to answer. You just have to read a text and answer a set of questions in one to three words or a number. Generally, answering short answer questions is not too difficult, but candidates often make silly mistakes when trying to rush through the questions. That’s where you can lose your valuable marks. We are going to share some tips that will help you score full marks in Short Answer Questions during your IELTS Reading Test. Check them out below.
Short answer questions test your ability to:
a) Quickly scan the passage to locate important information.
b) Identify keywords or the type of words you need for the answers.
c) Understand detail and specific information.
d) Recognize synonyms and paraphrasing.
Tips to Crack Short Answer Questions
1. When reading the passage, pay attention to the question words (who, what, who, when, where, which, and how).
I) who = person or group
II) what = thing
III) why = reason
IV) when = time
V)where = place
VI)which = thing
VII) how = way of doing something
2. Read the given instructions carefully and understand how many words you can write.
3. Underline the keywords in the given questions on the question paper.
4. Read the first sentence of each paragraph in a little more detail than the rest of the text as this will introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
5. Once you quickly read the complete passage, go and read the questions and try to understand what is being asked. Find the part of the text question 1 relates to. Repeat this step for every question in Short Answer Question Type.
6. The answers appear in the same order as the text.
7. Your answers do not need to be grammatically correct, they should just be under the word limit stated in the question paper.
Mistakes to Avoid When Answering Short Answer Questions
- DON’T exceed the word limit. A maximum number of words is always given. If you write over the stated word limit you will get the answer wrong.
- DON’T spend too much time thinking about the meaning of a new word you find in the passage.
- Students who are unaware of synonyms and paraphrasing tend to look for keywords in the text that directly match those in the questions. If you do this, you will waste a lot of time.
- Some test takers try to write full sentences. ALWAYS stay under the word limit.
- DO NOT read every word of the given text. Just skim and scan for particular information.
Here is a sample of a Short Answer Question Type. See how you need to answer the questions:

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. Why do people have festivals?
2. What do people make at the Balloon Festival?
3. What do thousands of people come to do at the Balloon Festival?
1. to celebrate
2. hot air balloons
3. watch balloons
Taking the IELTS exam is stressful. That’s why identifying common mistakes and learning some tips can help you to crack the short answer questions of IELTS reading effectively.
Once you’re ready to take the IELTS exam, book your test date at IELTS AOLCC. IELTS AOLCC offers both IELTS Academic and General Training on Paper and Computer. We have multiple IELTS test centres in Canada including Mississauga, Brampton, Kingston, and London. Choose your location and test date and book it in advance.